Clyne and Melincourt Community Council
The Monthly Meeting of the Council were held on Wednesday 28th March 2018 at 6.00pm at Clyne Community Hall
Miss G. Francis – Chair
Mr D. Davies, Mr D. Rosser
Mr K. Thomas
20/18 Apologies for Absence
Cllr I. Jones
21/18 Declaration of interest
None declared
22/18 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 21st February 2018 were confirmed a true record
23/18 Matters arising
Street Lighting to Clyne Terrace
No progress on this item. NPT Council remains prepared to provide street lighting but the easement on private land is proving extremely difficult
The Council has received inspection report for 2018. The Clerk has approached local contractor to undertake urgent repairs. Invoice for inspection not yet received.
Growth of Japanese Knot Weed on land banking Melincourt Brook opposite Moses Row.
NPT Cllr D W Davies reported that this will be monitored in the spring 2018
Network Rail Road Safety Issues
Network Rail has been informed of the road safety issues opposite Gored Cottages and Gored Terrace (26/06/2017). The latest e-mail correspondence from Network Rail has informed NPT Cllr Des Davies that there is now a planned road closure 29th April (12 weeks’ notice) to allow the safe cutting back of trees and bushes resolve some the safety problems. NPT Cllr Davies also pointed out the he has given numerous dates when he would be available to bring the issues around the “Japanese Knotweed” to a conclusion
Trees bordering B4434 in area (Melin Court Pensioners Hall to Woodbine Cottages)
NPT Cllr D W Davies advised that arrangements are ongoing, Work has begun but the recent storm has hindered completion. Work should be completed by our next meeting.
Dog Waste Bin at Tonclwyda
Still awaiting installation by NPT Street Care
Complaint received of dog mess on pavement bordering B4434 between Hermon Chapel and Cyd Terr.
Cllr D W Davies informed council that NPT officers have fixed adhesive dog fouling signs on posts along the designated route.
However, the requested dog waste bin is yet to be installed. The complainant has been informed
Community Wayside Seats and Picnic Furniture at Melincourt Falls
NPT Cllr Des Davies informed Council that he had been successful at getting three road side seats and two picnic tables and benches for our community. He hoped these would be installed by the Easter Holidays.
24/18 AOB
Report of Litter in the Community
Clerk had received a complaint from resident that there was a significant deposit of recyclables on the corner plot owned by Tai Tarian and that the contractors working on the Maespwll site needed to clear the area upon completion. The report also referred to fly tipping on the right of way leading to Ynysbwllog acqueduct. It was also noted that building materials were being stored on the pavement at Tonclywda causing obstruction. Resident to be approached.It has also been drawn to Council attention that some residents of Ynysbwllog and Maespwll are presenting their refuse and recyclables some days before the scheduled collection. NPT Environment Officers will be requested to approach the residents.