- Present:
Cllrs G. Francis (Chair), D. Rosser, NPT Cllr Des W Davies
Keith Thomas (Clerk)
- Apologies for Absence
Cllr I. Jones
Approval of the Minutes for Cllrs D.W. Davies and D.Rosser
Erratum: The Minutes for October, 2016, were approved by Cllr I Jones, in absentia. This error has been corrected. The Minutes for October 16 Meeting have been approved by Cllr D W Davies and D. Rosser
- Matters arising:
- Right of Way Claim: Tonclwyda
We have received notice of Confirmation of Modification Order to modify the Definitive Map and Statement for the area by adding the length of footpath commencing at Tonclwyda Road alongside Plas y Bryn to join Footpath No.7. The order became operative on 24th January 2017 but anyone wishing to challenge this order can do so by appealing to the High Court within 42 days of this order. Notice has been displayed adjacent to the fence bordering Tonclwyda Road.
- 022017 Drainage Rear of Wellfield
Ongoing discussion between resident and NPT drainage officer. Further discussion with Cllr DW Davies.
Cllr Davies advised Council that there had been a change of staff within the Drainage section and that he hoped to contact Mr Terry Davies and provide council with an update at the next meeting
- Community Policing
PACT Surgery Meeting 21/02/17 @ 11.00 am
Points raised:
Parking congestion at entrance to Ynys-yr-Afon; PCSO commented that it was an inconvenience not an obstruction since there are no restrictions in place by NPTCBC. Concerns raised over the safety of children playing in the street at this location. PCSO advised that drivers need to proceed with caution and give way where appropriate. PCSO to approach parents.
Parking etiquette at front of Community Hall, entrance to Ynys-yr-Afon. Courtesy given to hirer and Council members visiting the hall. Clerk to discuss with resident.
Following request from Bryn Terr Melincourt resident at the last meeting, PCSO will continue monitoring this area and appropriate action will be taken where appropriate.
Scobing exercises. Two have been carried out at the beginning of February. At the Ganu and further along Neath Road. Average speed recorded below posted limit. Exercises will continue.
Vandalism incident St David’s Lower Cemetery. To curb this antisocial behaviour , high viz patrols will be exercised, as agreed with Father Andrew Davies
- Street Lighting Access to Clyne Terrace
Problems continue in making the necessary improvements. Landowner reluctant to provide wayleave. Cllr Davies advised the meeting that the landowner had ignored approaches from NPT
- Improvements at Clyne Community Hall
Council have approached local contractors for tenders to redecorate the main hall. The Council received two quotes. One local contractor, JJervis, quoted £950.00 for labour and material. The second quote was for £100.00 per day, excluding materials. Since this second quote is inestimable, the Chair asked Council to approve the quote from JJervis, who will also redecorate the kitchen for £100.00.
Cllr DW Davies proposed, seconded by Cllr D.Rosser that JJervis be given the contract.
- Registration of staff details with Pension Regulator
This Council has advised the Regulator that our staff are ineligible
- ROSPA Report
Clerk continues to monitor the conditions at both parks.
Grass has been cut. The Clerk will undertake maintenance, wk commencing 27th February, 2017. Report next meeting.
The Clerk has examined the report, which was determined at Low Risk, issues notes requiring specialist attention will be undertaken by reputable contractors subject to tender in the new financial year.
Mr N. Williams, CIMA, has been appointed. We have agreed with BDO, who are appointed by Wales Audit for the following:
Display Notice From: 17/04/17 to 30/04/17
Available From: 02/05/17 to 30/05/17
- Precept For 17-18
Following the advice from NPT Officer, the budget for 2017 – 18 was presented to Council for their approval. To cover the envisaged inflationary operational costs for the ensuing year, the Council needed to precept for £19,903.83. (4% increase Band D)
- Pen Y Cymoedd Mico Bid
The Chair and Clerk had attended the launch in December and advised local organisation of the availability of grant support. Council are currently meeting with Clyne Community Group and Neath CVS, who plan to organise a community fun day at Clyne Community Hall
- Operational Costs Clyne Community Hall.
Council have reduced staff wages in line with usage. A price comparison has been undertaken and most competitive has been selected and new contracts raised. Water supply is metered, leak checked, meeting with Dwr Cymru. Water meeting readings taken month to monitor usage. Review usage in April 17. Report of damage during hire 20/017. Arrangements have been made to repair. Clerk and Chair to meet with hirer 13th Mar 17 to request payment of damage and to provide formalities for internal audit.
- Website Development, developed by Wired up Wales, £360.00 funded by Welsh Assembly Grant.
Total grant funded for this project £500. NPT Democratic Services have been advised of grant application.. Public notices to be displayed.
- Unauthorised Tree Felling Melincourt
Council in discussions with NPT Countryside Department and pursuing the need for those responsible to have tree felling licences (January 2017). Council to monitor activity
- Receipts recorded and Payments approved.
Petty Cash, Chq. No 734, £256.93
JJervis, Chq. No. 735, £100.00
Clerk, tel, Chq. No. 736, £165.84
One Voice Wales, Chq. No. 737, £110.00
Wales Audit, Chq No. 738, £357.90
Wages, Caretaker, Chq. No. 739, £120.00
Wages, Clerk, Chq. No. 740, £445.00
HMRC, Chq. No. 741, £135.00
IT Chair, Chq. No. 742, £45.00
Receipts – £40.00
- Correspondence
- Financial Training – One Voice Wales (21/02), Webinar, Wales Audit (27/02)
- NPT Planning Application: P2017/0064,
NPT Cllr DW Davies withdrew from the meeting.
Location: The Bungalow, New Road, Clyne SA11 4ER
Proposal to demolish existing and construct replacement bungalow.
Council recorded no objection to this proposal
- One Voice Wales – launch of signing up of New Carter for Trees, Woods and People The new Tree Charter will set out a series of guidelines and principles on how our local communities and trees can best benefit one another. It will serve as a resource, which community and town councils can use in support of their efforts to look after their trees and ensure their community feel the many benefits that this can bring.
(survey completed)
- Notice :Safeguarding Training Neath .Organised by Neath CVS, Monday 13th March 10.00 – 4.00
- Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2017. Noted
- Local elections are due to take place on Thursday 4th May 2017.Local electors in Clyne and Melincourt are eligible to stand Nomination packs will be available from Neath Port Talbot Council from Monday 13th February 2017. The closing date for nominations is 4pm on Tuesday 4th April 2017 The Notices of Elections will be published on 20th March 2017. The earliest date anyone can officially become a candidate is Monday 27th March 2017. The Statement of persons nominated will be published at 4pm Wednesday 19th April 2017. Polling day will be Thursday 4th May 7am – 10pm
- One Voice Wales: Notice of Next Meeting: Wednesday, 8th March at Neath Community Centre at 7.00pm Minutes of December meeting circulated.
- Annual Governance Statement at the Council Meeting
Pension Regulator has been informed of employee status.
A budget was produced in support of Precept for 2017-18
The internal Auditor has been appointed
The accounts will be closed for the annual return and the public notified for access.
The insurance is appropriate for this community council. The Clyne Community Group who will use the hall and our park will need their own insurance. Karate Hirer has been re quested to produce evidence of coaching indemnity and students’ licences, DBS
The Hall – The council have improved the heating and redecoration.
Cost effective management – water metered, undertaken comparative price check gas supplier changed, electric remains the same – obtained finance from Ffynnon Oer to improve cost effective eco approved heating system. Installation of combi boiler. Hall cleaned by commercial contractors. Caretaker’s wages cut to reflect reduced usage.
Wayside seats – Repair noted and Council plan to undertake this work in the new financial year.
Website – under construction
Engaged with parents for increased use of hall – application to Micro Bid
Rights of Way – except for the new registration, Response to Action Plan – NPT Access to the Countryside. Consult with Countryside re. maintenance of footpaths and unlawful felling of trees.
Environmental Protection. Raised action with NPT waste Enforcement for removal of fly tipping, clearance of residential properties in the area. Maespwll and Moses Row, Rear of Hill St.
Rural Protection/ Care for the Environment Bio Diverity – collaborated with SWWT to obtain NPT Funding for Interpretation Panel, for information to visitors new signs installed at the car park to improve signage for visitors.
Community Security – meet regularly with the police to monitor parking obstruction. Met with the Traffic Commissioner to examine parking issues throughout the community. Speeding exercises undertaken. ASBO unsociable behaviour reported. (Ynys-yr- Afon, Canal tow path and Cefn Gelli Fm)
Parks at Melincourt and Clyne, ROSPA safety checked resulted in low to medium risk assessment. Clerk undertaking ongoing maintenance programme . Plans to apply to improve park features to Pen yr Cymoedd Vision Fund for Capital projects. This will be available from Spring 2017.
- The litter bins attached to the bus stops at Tonclwyda, Clyne, Neath SA11 4BS are not being emptied.
Complaint by this Council was taken up by NPT Cllr D W Davies. Bins emptied on Sat. 18th Feb 2017